How to use folk methods to get rid of parasites in the body

What does it mean when it comes to parasites in the human body? In medicine, parasites are called various pathogenic microorganisms. They are like parasites inside or outside the host and get good nutrition from him.

These parasites include a large number of human infectious, somatic and parasitic disease pathogen families: worms (worms), viruses, fungi, insects, bacteria, protozoa, rickettsiae, etc.

< Parasitic Diseases >Human parasitic diseases are caused by arthropods, worms, multicellular parasites and protozoa-Plasmodium, Lamberia virus, Trichomonas and Toxoplasma.

The transmission mechanism of parasitic disease pathogens

Parasites in the external environment enter the human body in various ways. For example, worms enter the digestive tract through dirty hands and under-washed vegetables, vegetables, berries, and fruits. After introducing certain or other parasites into the human body, a person begins to suffer from assimiosis, toxoplasmosis, intestinal helminthiasis, echinococcosis, and pneumococcal disease. In the environment, parasite larvae and eggs are often found in water or soil contaminated by feces.

In low temperature or dry conditions, these parasites will not die, they can survive for many years. Young children become infected through contact with infected toys, clothing, and sand in the sandpit. Among those who like to taste all foods, the risk of contracting parasitic diseases is highest.

is ​​also among people who do not observe personal and industrial hygiene habits. Pork and cattle tapeworms (teniasis and teniarinhoses) enter the digestive tract orally through meat products that have not been sufficiently heat-treated. Fish with insufficient heat treatment or too little salt may be infected with fl worms (the causative agent of opioid tracheal disease) and a wide range of broad larvae. The same goes for fish eggs.

In some countries with hot and humid climates, certain parasites (filariasis and filariasis) are spread by mid, tick, mosquito and flea bites. In medicine, there is a name-Reinvasion. This is a condition for reinfecting people who are used to biting their nails. Medical statistics claim that anyone on earth will suffer from parasite invasion at least once in their lifetime, mainly at the age of 14.

Human parasites-disease symptoms

Nowadays, there are data on 250 kinds of worms in medicine, which parasitize human skin, digestive system, tissues and internal organs. When in the intestines, they can cause acute pain of various intensities and abdominal discomfort; on this basis, the patient will feel nausea, vomiting, and often have poor bowel movements or constipation.

Worms can cause the development of diabetes, arthritis, eye disease, cholecystitis, cystitis, hepatitis, urethritis, pancreatitis, myocarditis, and pneumonia (pneumonia). It is meaningless to describe the symptoms of all the diseases listed above. The description can be found on the corresponding page of the website.

Parasites get food from the host, which can lead to the lack of iron, protein, potassium, amino acids, manganese, vitamins and many other useful trace elements in the body. In this context, patients complain of general weakness, severe fatigue, and headaches. Even with good nutrition, these patients can lose weight. But sometimes obesity is accompanied by some helminthiases (bovine tapeworm and broad tapeworm) metabolic disorders.

The nails and hair are dull and broken. Persistent vitamin B-related health conditions can cause adult anxiety, nervousness, and unexplained irritability. In children, pay attention to the adequacy of behavior. Pathogens that live in the liver can cause sleep deprivation and frequent waking up in the morning. The memory of the patients is impaired, the educational materials they absorb are not good, and it is difficult to communicate with others.

The cysticercus cus of the pork tapeworm enters the brain tissue, causing convulsive epileptic seizures. It also violated speech and vision, movement and sensitivity, irritation and hallucinations, and loss of consciousness. A large number of severe symptoms often make doctors suspect the formation of brain tumors.

The patient complained of interruption of the work of the heart (arrhythmia), heart pal, itchy skin, and a rash on the surface. The presence of parasite larvae in the lungs can lead to the development of obstructive bronchitis and even bronchial asthma. Bronchial trees are often affected by the larvae of worms and toxoplasma, cysticer or pork tape worm eggs.

Parasites rarely infect the inner layer of the skin, causing discomfort in the form of crawling and swarming abjects. All types of parasitic disease pathogens can actively inhibit the protective properties of the host organism. The pathological mechanism is that the anti-enzyme substances produced by the parasites prevent the digestion of food.

On this basis, intestinal infections, acute respiratory diseases, poisoning and colds appear, and there is indeed a risk of developing tumor pathology. Clinical blood tests indicate anemia, anemia, eosinophilia, folic acid, protein, vitamin B12 and iron deficiency.

For various helminths, the above symptoms and some other symptoms can be observed. It all depends on the location of the parasite. There may be eye diseases: uveitis, conjunctivitis, lens and retina damage, and even complete loss of vision.

Diagnosis of human parasites

Before prescribing the course of treatment, the attending physician conducted a thorough examination of the patient to confirm the diagnosis of the disease. A bacteriological examination of the stool will help him, in which worm eggs were found. In the conjunctival sac, larvae of pork tapeworm are often isolated. Active physical labor or fatigue causes adult physical insects to grow to tens of centimeters long and fly out of the rectum.

The eggs and larvae of various parasites are found by examining the stool under a microscope. However, it is often difficult to determine the causative factors of a disease. They may not be visible in feces. Biochemical blood tests show the presence of G-class immunoglobulins and immune status, and the immune status will be reduced when the parasite is infected. But this cannot be used as an indicator of pathogen type.

Therefore, the results of the research may continue for several years. Of course, a large number of parasites accumulated in the body will cause a significant decrease in immunity, and a decrease in immunoglobulin titers or disappear completely. Class M immunoglobulins are found in the acute phase of invasion, but for a short time. The presence of this immunoglobulin reliably indicates the presence of parasites in the body.

How to remove parasites from the body

The doctor's prescription is mainly for patients with obvious signs of parasite infection: use of unwashed vegetables and/or fruits, herbs, poorly processed slices, contact with animals, sucking fingers and biting nails. In each case, doctors will individually prescribe complicated prescriptions, because incorrect treatment often leads to serious complications.

For example, taking medicines against pork tapeworm may cause the pathogen to break up, and part of it may spread to various organs and cause consequences.

Special preparations can get rid of the simplest parasites. The treatment plan is individually formulated according to the type of pathogen, possible side effects and the age of the patient. Usually, two or more courses of conservative treatment are given every three weeks. Probiotics can actively help resist parasites that invade the body and normalize the active flora. Naturally fermented dairy products-fermented baked milk, kefir and others-also help. A group of intestinal absorbers can effectively remove the decomposition products of parasites (toxins) from the body.

If the patient develops rash and allergic reactions, antihistamines should be added to the main treatment.

Folk remedies for human parasites

Traditional medicine has many treatments and prescriptions for parasites. Without modern medicine, our ancestors successfully used garlic, onions, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin oil, red pepper, ginger, mustard, horseradish, wormwood, cloves, black and full of nuts, avran, tansy, pomegranateSkin, chanterelles breed worms. Mushrooms), carrots and strawberries.

Calendula, snow lotus, gooseberry leaves, side dishes, pickled cabbage, coriander and dill seeds, strawberries, birch leaves help to get rid of the simplest parasites.

Traditional medicine recipes for parasites

  • Recipe 1.Chop a medium-sized onion, pour a cup of boiling water into a thermos, let it sit for 12 hours, and then filter. Drink the whole content on an empty stomach the next morning.
  • Recipe number 2.Mix 100 grams of crushed pumpkin with 100 grams of sugar. Orally 3 tablespoons in the morning before breakfast. Spoonful of mixture, drink 3 tablespoons immediately. Spoon of castor oil.
  • Recipe number 3.Pour a cup of boiling water into 2 tablespoons. Spoon dried wormwood leaves, let stand for three hours and filter. Treat for 10 days and take 3 teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • prescription number 4.For patients with sensitive stomach. Stick to 2 tablespoons for 6 hours. Spoon of chamomile and sea buckthorn bark in a glass of boiling water. Filter and drink all infusions on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Recipe 5.Mix 1 teaspoon. Oak bark, sea buckthorn, tansy and chamomile are used medicinally. Soak the mixture in half a liter of boiling water for 6 hours. Filter and drink 100ml of water in the morning before breakfast. In all cases, treatment is lengthy-from 40 to 90 days. Despite the fact that the efficacy of herbal products is lower than that of pharmaceutical preparations, they improve the function of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, leaving the patient in a general condition and not allowing re-infection. Choline drugs can remove parasites from the gallbladder and ducts.
  • Recipe 6.Used to breed protozoa. 1 tablespoon l. Pour the chopped yacon into a glass of boiling water, let it sit for three hours, and then filter. 1 tablespoon l. 3r/d before meals within 30-40 minutes.
  • Recipe number 7.also comes from protozoa. The composition includes equal parts of mint and five-flowered grass, crushed wormwood roots and wax chrysanthemum. We insist on 3 hours (2 tablespoons of mixture in 500 ml of boiling water). ⅓Three cups a day, one hour of meal a month ago.

If there is no complete cure, please repeat the treatment process.