What worms do humans have?

Even in our civilized society, it is possible to be infected with worms. These parasites enter the human body imperceptibly and poison them through the products of their important activities. The secretions of worms are poisonous and can cause various diseases-from hives to serious health problems. There were also fatal accidents.

Common symptoms of worm infection

Worms not only live in the human intestines, some types of parasites also infect other organs, and can even exist in skeletal muscles. Therefore, the course of each helminthiasis has its own characteristic symptoms, but there are still general symptoms:

  • Performance degradation;
  • Fast fatigue;
  • Poisoning;
  • Weaknesses;
  • lethargy;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • lose weight;
  • Joint pain;
  • Constipation;
  • Enteropathy;
  • Does not tolerate any type of food.

Unfortunately, many people are infected with parasites and some don't even know it. Eggs or cysts can be swallowed with seemingly clean food. Usually, worms will settle into children from cats and dogs through unclean hands and get along with badly washed fruits and vegetables. The trouble is that there is usually no suspicion that someone lives in us, because some types of parasites have not been shown for a long time. Therefore, it is worthwhile to better understand worms, the types of worms and the symptoms that cause infections.

Human roundworm

Pinworms, roundworms, whipworms and Trichinella (less common) can live in the human body.

The Round worm is a fusiform insect with a body length of 15-40 cm and a width of 4-6 mm. Although in some cases roundworms crawl into the bile ducts and block them, the worms still live in the small intestine. In humans, females mate with males and lay eggs, and the eggs and feces enter the outdoors.

A person is not infected with animals in animals.

Next, the eggs need to mature in the soil. If they enter the body with unwashed fruits or vegetables, the larvae will be excreted in the intestines, they will quickly penetrate the blood vessels and reach the lungs through the bloodstream. There, the larvae mature and migrate to the intestines through the trachea and mouth. And new people have hatched there, and everything is repeated. The worm has a life span of up to 14 months.

Suffering from ass worm disease, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, intestinal pain, allergies. Sleep is also disturbed and irritability occurs. When migrating from the lungs, a cough may occur. With the accumulation of worms and the balls they form, it may cause intestinal obstruction.

Pinworms are small white worms, 3-12 mm long. Worms live in the small and large intestines. It is easy to get infected with these worms, and it is enough to not wash your hands, or you can even swallow the worm eggs by inhaling dust. Female pinworms lay eggs in the anus, causing severe itching. Worm eggs are so small that they can even accumulate in dust indoors.

You can get infected through linen, hygiene products, food, handshake, etc. In addition, the migration of pin worms is the same as undergo worms. Adults live in humans for only 1-2 months, and if there are proper sanitary conditions, they can be discarded in a short time. In addition to itching, it was also observed: insomnia, confusion, restlessness, allergic rash.

Vlasoglavs are thin worms that live in the large intestine and are 30-35 mm long. You can infect parasites like the same bug. Vlasoglavs stick to the intestinal wall and absorb blood. The toxins they release can cause headaches, lack of sleep, dizziness and nausea. The life span of the worm is 5 years.

Trichinella are small worms, their maximum length is only 4 mm. A person was infected with raw pork containing larvae. Adults live in the intestines, mate and lay eggs, and then die. Trichinella larvae are excreted, they penetrate from the intestines into the muscle tissue, where they form capsules and can remain for several years.

Helminthiasis can cause the following physical diseases:

  • Puffy face;
  • Eyelid swelling;
  • Swelling of legs and hands;
  • Skin rash;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Fever, body temperature;
  • Headache;
  • Insomnia, or conversely, lethargy;
  • Reduced mobility of knee and elbow joints;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.

Trichinosis can be partially cured, because if drugs can be used to kill the adults, then the larvae in the skeletal muscle cannot be killed.

Human Tape Worm

  • Bovine tapewormThe longest can reach 10 m. When eating cooked beef that contains worm larvae, infection can occur. Housewives can be infected by adding salt to raw minced meat. In the body, a worm grows out of a larva, which lives in the intestine and attaches itself to the wall to keep it alive. A person loses weight, loses appetite, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, and often vomiting.
  • Pork tapewormis ​​small, only 2 m. Infection can occur after eating poorly processed pork. The symptoms are the same as the cow tapeworm.
  • Wide tapewormis ​​6 m to 15 m in length, and the source of infection is raw freshwater fish. Helminthiasis is manifested by weakness, nausea, vomiting, drooling, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea. There are always bright red painful spots and even cracks on the tongue.
  • Dwarf Carrieris ​​3-5 cm in length. If they are infected with worm eggs, they will infect this worm through contaminated door handles and toilet seats. Children get sick more frequently. Helminthiasis can cause loss of appetite, nausea and abdominal pain, and sometimes diarrhea. In rare cases, a child’s seizure may resemble a seizure.
  • Echinococcus occidentalisis ​​one of the most dangerous worms. Infections come from cats and dogs-carriers of adult parasites. In the human body, larvae hatch from eggs, and the eggs flow with the blood to different organs, reaching the liver more often, where they form Echinococcus cysts. In some cases, they even reach the head size of a newborn baby. Cysts can only be removed by surgery.

Suction cup

  • Flukeparasites in the bile duct and gallbladder itself. The size of the worm is very small -4-13 mm. Parasites enter the body through the use of slightly salted or cooked (fried) fish. First of all, this kind of helminthiasis is manifested by high temperature (up to 40 degrees), joint and muscle pain, gastrointestinal disease, and in rare cases jaundice. Then the acute symptoms disappeared, and paroxysmal pain in the pancreas appeared. There may be complications.
  • Fasciolais ​​harmful to health. Worms are 3-7 cm long and also settle in the gallbladder and biliary tract. A person is infected by uncooked water or eating aquatic plants. Weakness, fever, pain in the head and abdomen, and hives appear.

Conclusion on human worms

Certain types of worms live in the human body for years because they can hardly manifest themselves in any way. Symptoms of helminthiasis are usually similar to those of the gastrointestinal tract, so if special tests are not performed to identify the worm, a wrong diagnosis will be made. But you urgently need to get rid of any parasites, because they not only absorb useful substances from the body, but also release toxins that are harmful to health.