How to get rid of worms at home without medication

Folk remedies to get rid of wormsNo one is immune to the threat of parasites entering the body. The problem is so delicate that people will treat worms in their homes for fear of being reprimanded. But it is best to consult an infectious disease specialist and receive treatment under the guidance of a doctor.But you can also deal with parasites on your own. There are hundreds of different options in conventional medicine because this is an old problem that has been solved long before the first pill. In this article, we will discuss the potential threat of helminthiasis to humans and how to get rid of worms.

How do worms enter the human body?

Itching caused by wormsThe human body is an ideal habitat for parasites: it is always warm and moist, so there is plenty of food for them. Worms try to enter the body by any means available:
  • through unwashed hands, dirty toys;
  • Foods of animal origin that have not been adequately heat treated;
  • through untreated water (when swimming in a pond or river);
  • Contact with pets (fur, saliva);
  • passed from mother to baby through the placenta;
  • when intimate;
  • Through blood.
Once inside the body, the worms travel through organs, taking up space from the liver to the eyes and brain. Although adults rarely live longer than 2 months, this time is long enough to leave a plentiful offspring.

How dangerous are parasites?

Why are parasites dangerous Fighting worms is crucial because they pose a serious threat to the body:
  • Lower immunity. Persistent colds, inflammation, and infections are all caused by worms. A person can "run to the doctor" and drink immune boosters without knowing the real cause of poor health.
  • Cause poisoning. Worms release toxic substances throughout their lives. They accumulate in the body, causing poisoning and serious damage to organs.
  • Cause allergies. Patients may be tested hundreds of times for allergens without realizing that eliminating the worms is enough to solve the problem.
There are approximately 250 species of parasites, and infection with some of them can have dire consequences:
  • Volvulus.
  • Cirrhosis, abscess.
  • Pneumonia, bronchitis.
  • Brain damage, paralysis.
  • Infertility.
  • Severe anemia.
  • Exhaustion and developmental delays in childhood.

Signs and symptoms of infection

Signs of Parasitic InfectionSymptoms of parasites in the body:
  • The body is weak and a person gets tired quickly;
  • Low hemoglobin levels (but this doesn't always happen).
  • Increased anxiety, restless sleep, and teeth grinding at night.
  • Digestive problems: Constipation or diarrhea may occur (depending on the type of worms).
  • Frequent allergic reactions.
  • Muscle and joint pain.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Headache, migraine.
Complications can develop in advanced cases. Therefore, it is important to promptly suspect the presence of a worm infection and eliminate the worms quickly.
If helminth infection is suspected, a fecal examination is performed. To confirm the diagnosis, you may need: smear, ultrasound of internal organs, muscle biopsy, blood test, etc.

Treating worms with folk remedies at home

Folk remedies treatmentIf stool analysis shows the presence of parasite eggs, treatment is necessary. You can buy medications at pharmacies and their selection is wide. But the disadvantages are equally widespread:
  1. By poisoning the worms, the drug provides toxins to the body;
  2. The risk of purchasing counterfeit medicines is high;
  3. numerous side effects;
  4. Attacking effect on gastric microbiota.
Knowing this, many people prefer to treat worms themselves using treatments that have been proven for generations.Benefits of Traditional Medicine:
  • gentle to humans, but harsh to worms;
  • relatively safe;
  • Enhance immunity;
  • Recovery of the body.
There are three stages to getting rid of worms at home:
  1. Preparation, the purpose of which is to eliminate toxins. Use pumpkin oil and drink a teaspoon each with breakfast, dinner and lunch.
  2. Directly leads to worm poisoning.
  3. Eliminate consequences, recovery phase.
Despite these advantages, even with folk remedies, you should be careful and follow the following recommendations:
  • Not for use by children under 2 years of age;
  • Pregnant women should use traditional medicines only after consulting a doctor;
  • Do not use during periods of worsening gastritis, ulcers, liver and kidney disease;
  • Study the prescription carefully to see if the patient has any contraindications.
Note that before treatment, you need to find out what type of parasite has taken up residence in your body. If you can easily deal with roundworms, pinworms, and other species at home, there are worms whose treatment can be a problem even for doctors. Among them: bovine tapeworm, lamblia, filarial worm, etc. This invasion can only be treated under the supervision of parasitologists and infectious disease specialists.

How to get rid of worms: folk remedies

The choice of treatment depends on the patient's age, worm type and taste preference. The easiest way to eradicate parasites is from adults: more options and fewer restrictions.

Traditional recipes for adults

Onions are no friend of worms. Wash the outer skin, crush it, add mugwort and cook over low heat for half an hour. Scale: st. A spoonful of chaff, an equal amount of grass and a liter of water. Remove from heat and set aside for 2 hours. Strain and cool to 37 degrees. Used as an enema.Take mugwort and onion skins in equal proportions, and add tansy and sea buckthorn. Decoction and drink a cup every morning and before bed. With this method, worms can be cured within three days.Onion Tincture Fights WormsParasites do not like spicy food, so to get rid of them, it is enough to eat one raw onion (medium size) or 100 grams per day. Onion feathers.Mix onion juice with honey: 1 teaspoon for 15 minutes to get rid of worms quickly. Take it before meals during the day and the problem will be solved.Garlic is a universal warrior. With its help, they can protect themselves not only from vampires, but also from:
  • Lambria;
  • Toxoplasma gondii;
  • Amoeba etc.
To ward off uninvited guests, you should prepare tincture: 50 g. Pour two cups of vodka over the peeled cloves. Pour into a dark bowl and let sit for a week. Then, drink 20 drops of the tincture 30 minutes before meals. It takes 2 weeks to heal.pumpkin seeds. One specific toxin, cucurbitacin, kills parasites but has no effect on humans. It is this that gives the seeds their magical properties. Taking 100 pills during the day can be used both as medicine and as a preventive measure.
Please note: After treatment, dead worms will be excreted in the feces within 2 to 4 days. At this time, do not use fortifying products and instead perform cleansing enemas every night.
Walnut. Crush the nuts and mix with honey. They eat it in the morning before breakfast.Pour nut peel (100 g) into half a liter of vodka. Store away from light for 14 days. Drink one teaspoon three times daily. The tincture aids digestion and stimulates the pancreas.Tansy inflorescence. Worms (roundworms, pinworms) can be eliminated by grinding the inflorescences into powder and mixing them with honey in equal proportions. Take 30 minutes before meals, twice daily. On the third night, a cleansing enema is performed: this will be the end of the treatment.
IMPORTANT: This plant is poisonous, so use with caution. Do not give to children.
Artemisia. Combine 100 g. Vanilla and pumpkin seeds. Add 500 g. vodka. Leave in the dark for 7 days. Drink 20 grams. Once in the morning and once in the evening, for 14 consecutive days. It is forbidden for lactating women, pregnant women, and patients with ulcers.Helichrysum decoction to treat parasitesHelichrysum. Pour 200 g into a thermos. Plant, add half a liter of boiling water. Leave it for 12 hours and consume 100 grams in 10 days. 4 times a day.
You can brew chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula in equal proportions with helichrysum.
Take a bath with herbs. You need to mix together chamomile flowers, yarrow, dyasil root, calamus, mint leaves, walnuts and coriander seeds. Pour boiling water over it, cover and leave for 2-3 hours. Take a bath with warm water, add the tincture and enjoy the process for at least 20 minutes.

How to treat helminth disease in children?

The child has parasitesThe fight against worms in childhood should be as subtle as possible. Some people recommend giving a garlic or onion enema. This treatment is more harmful to the baby than the parasite. It is much safer to prepare delicious and healthy products.Peel the pumpkin seeds, chop and mix with honey. Eat for 5 days in a row.
  • Mix half a cup of carrot juice with 1 tsp. Drink honey twice a day for 3 days.
  • If your baby eats garlic, give him a clove of garlic for a week.
  • Bathing with a decoction of oat straw (3 tablespoons of oat straw per liter of boiling water, added to the water during bathing) can also help treat worms in children.
    If treatment is unsuccessful, consult your doctor.

Treatment methods for pregnant women

Parasites in pregnant womenMedications can cross the placenta and harm the embryo. But lack of treatment for helminthiasis can lead to fetal undernutrition and infection. To avoid this, you should resort to folk remedies.
  • Drink a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice every morning on an empty stomach. But do not exceed 7 days to prevent your baby from becoming allergic to it in the future.
  • Eat dill seeds on an empty stomach. In the evening, eat laxative foods.

How to get rid of worms in 1 day?

The realization that there were worms inside, moving and feeding on the tissue, made me shiver. People want them removed immediately. It is quite possible to do this using folk remedies.An effective way to fight wormscognac. If you drink this drink at night (at two o'clock), the worms will separate from the intestinal wall and will not be able to attach back for a long time. It's enough to drink a laxative after half an hour and forget about the problem.Pumpkin, honey, water - the bugs will be gone forever. It is necessary to peel the seeds (100 grains), pass them through a meat grinder, add half a cup of water and the same amount of honey. Eat on an empty stomach. You will need to take an enema after 4 hours. With this simple method, you can get rid of parasites in a day.Pomegranate. Pour a teaspoon of dried pomegranate peel into 500 g. water and catch fire. Continue on the stove until the liquid is reduced by half. Drink once cooled. Take laxatives at night.Herbal remedies against wormsKeep in mind that it is not always possible to remove worms from the body in a single at-home treatment session. There may be surviving eggs that hatch and cause reinfection. Therefore, it is important to have a check-up after one month and repeat the treatment if necessary.